1970s & 2015 | Joseph N. Ermer (grandfather) and Justin Lacche (grandson) | The Open Seas

1970s & 2015 | Joseph N. Ermer (grandfather) and Justin Lacche (grandson) | The Open Seas
Carvings by Joseph N. Ermer (grandfather) circa 1970s; mixed media piece by Justin Lacche (grandson), 2015

"Donna al mattino e alla sera (woman at morning and night) by Justin Lacche, 2015: 16" x 20" mixed media, double-sided canvas

"Donna al mattino e alla sera (woman at morning and night) by Justin Lacche, 2015:  16" x 20" mixed media, double-sided canvas
"Donna al mattino e alla sera (woman at morning and night) by Justin Lacche, 2015: 
16" x 20" mixed media, double-sided canvas

Cannon Beach History - past Mayor Laurel Hood, local tennis standout, Ken Quarles - by Justin Lacche, 2015: mixed media (original photograph)

Cannon Beach History - past Mayor Laurel Hood, local tennis standout, Ken Quarles - by Justin Lacche, 2015: mixed media (original photograph)
Cannon Beach History - past Mayor Laurel Hood, local tennis standout, Ken Quarles - by Justin Lacche, 2015:
mixed media (original photograph)

2015 | Justin Lacche | Oregon State University

2015 | Justin Lacche | Oregon State University
"Oregon State University" by Justin Lacche, 2015: 8" x 10" mixed media (original photograph)

2015 | Justin Lacche | Big Dan's West Coast Bento (Portland, Oregon)

2015 | Justin Lacche | Big Dan's West Coast Bento (Portland, Oregon)
"Big Dan's West Coast Bento (Portland, Oregon) by Justin Lacche 2015: 8" x 10" mixed media (original photograph)